Saturday 22 December 2012

Tampa Car Crash Attorney Safe Driving Tips

Tampa car crash attorney knows that the best way to avoid accidents is to always be a conscientious, alert driver. The most important thing to pay attention to when you are driving is the road, not the kids, or the cell phone or the music, or your spouse. Below are some other tips to being safer on the road.

1.      Keep your car in top shape. Tampa car crash attorney knows that this is not the first thing you think of when you get in your car to go to work in the morning, but it could mean the difference between life and death. A car in disrepair can be very dangerous, so do yourself a favor and get it checked out regularly for peace of mind.
2.      Don't drive in the fast lane as often. Tampa car crash attorney has seen far too many accidents occur as a result of people driving too fast. Many things can go wrong when you are speeding. First and foremost, you don't have as much reaction time.
3.      Don't drive while intoxicated. Tampa car crash attorney believes that a great many accidents, and perhaps the majority of accidents, could be avoided if people were not under the influence of some sort of drug or alcohol. This includes prescription medications! Just because your doctor gave it to you does not mean it is safe under all conditions. Read the warning label. It will tell you if the drug will make you drowsy. If it does, just don't drive.
4.      Wear your seat belt! Tampa car crash attorney is shocked at how many injuries and deaths could have been avoided if the person were wearing a seat belt. Such a simple thing really does save lives. And it only takes a second.
5.      Try not to drive when the weather is bad. In Florida, we don't have to worry about snow and ice, but we do have to worry about storms and hurricanes, which can be just as dangerous. During a hurricane, flooding, fallen trees, debris flying around, high winds, downed power lines; all of these could potentially cause an accident. If you must drive, Tampa car crash attorney recommends to be very cautious, and check the news before you leave to make sure your route is safe.
6.      Tampa car crash attorney suggests to always be aware of your surroundings. Knowing what is in front of you is important, but equally important is knowing what is behind you, and especially beside you. What if you have to swerve to avoid a deer? You are going to want to know what is there so you can make that split second decision.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a collision and need a Tampa car crash attorney, contact Kravitz Law Group as soon as possible. Visit the website at for more information.